Monday 16 September 2013

16th September 2013


16 September 
At the doctors surgery to get my bandages seen . Been here half an hour and they are taking there sweet time about it. The young lady opposite of Asian origin is fiddling about with her phone . The bloke on the other side is reading cosmopolitan magazine . Judging by his frustrated sighs he is bored too. I guess we all have our little subconscious rituals when we are bored. I am sat here just writing a blog which is most probably replacing my subconscious fidgeting or any other via I may not be conscious off ...finally the nurse see me and replace the bandage with a nice padded bandage. 

Off home to find my wallet which I thought I lost but found it. Now back to st Mary's at 13.20 hours. Stayed at my dads till 3.00pm. My wife arrived from her work training at 2.00pm . whilst there i paid for the kids school dinners through the schools online system. that is a great convenience .I had a taster of my sister in laws mouth burning meat curry and sat opposite my dad (see picture). He was enjoying the heat of the spice and so was I. Around 2.40pm the mrs helped my sis in law with bringing in the laundry from the rain .  Baby dawud spent the day bonding with his grandad. 

Left the mrs and dawud at my dads and went to pick up the kids from school. Saw a lady in the school playground with vey cute twins in a baby buggy :-) picked up my daughter and I realised isa has a after school club so I took Alisha to the park near the school. She went the swing and the slides I then chatted to her about her day. She told me broccoli , vegetarian sausage and chocolate milk. Whilst watching her play I was reminded me of the UN convention on the child's right to play 
Article 31 of the UN Convention

That every child has the right to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts.
That member governments shall respect and promote the right of the child to participate fully in cultural and artistic life and shall encourage the provision of appropriate and equal opportunities for cultural, artistic, recreational and leisure activity.
" isn't that cool?

Any way I collected isa came back to dads they ate rice and meat curry and Alisha and isa went to tuition .  When they finished the whole family went home..thank you 

I am sat at home chilling out with the kids
Thank you

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